The Teddy Bears have started a new tradition at the Bamsemuseum to celebrate the start of summer - a picnic day in the museum's backyard. So here come some photographs to tell about the day.
And here is the very first picnic guest - with his own special teddy - saying hello to the museum teddies - who are ready with refreshing cordial to drink on such a warm day.
Den første gæst møder op (med hans favorit bamse) og hilser på museets bamser - som har saftevand klar ... |
And then more guests join in - they also helped us chalk up the hopscotch ...
og så flere søde gæster ... |
Picnic day gave Jonna (in the middle), the museum's proprietor, a chance to talk to guests ... and everyone was offered delicious cakes from Birgit's café kitchen ...
Museets indehaver Jonna (i midten) hilser på picnic gæster ... og alle blev tilbudt kager ... |
lækre kager lavet af Birgit |
And here's the hopscotch ...
Bamsehinkeleg |
A table with face-painting supplies was set-up for parents to try their hand at turning their children into little bears ...
forældre kunne benytte ansigtsfarverne - som var lagt frem på bordet - for at forandre deres børn til bamser |
The courtyard is only small but we still managed a game of hide-and-seek - little bears were hiding among the trees and bushes - each child that found one could take it to Jonna and get a little teddy treat.
Små bamser gemte sig blandt bladene - og Jonna gav hvert barn der fandt en - en hilsen fra bamserne |
In case of rainy weather there were a couple of options for activities that could be done inside ...
I tilfælde af regnvejr, var der også aktiviteter som kunne tages med
indenfor ... men det regnede ikke! |