28 Jan 2014

Skagen's Teddy Bear Museum's winter exhibition at ARoS Junior

The bears from Skagens Bamsemuseum have had fun making an exhibition in ARoS Junior. They have been doing this since Christmas 2005. Firstly, the teddies check out what interesting paintings there are hanging on the walls in the big exhibition rooms. Then they put their heads together and come up with their own ideas for making a little exhibition downstairs. This year there is a grand exhibition upstairs called Pas de Deux Royal. Here you can see lots of paintings, sculptures, embroideries and decoupage objects and other things created by Queen Margrethe and Prince Henrik. So the teddies came with their own "royal" exhibits in December and you can see them until 23 February 2014.

Pragtfuld, håndsyet bamse, Dronningen er skabt
af bamsekunstner Vivi-Ann Lennartz.
Udstillingen varer indtil 23. februar 2014
Unik, broderi-bamse, inspireret af Dronningens
interesse i broderi. Skabt af bamsekunsstner
Vivi-Ann Lennartz
Papier Maché / decoupage bamse inspireret
af Dronningens interesse i den sidstenævnt.
Skabt af kun genbrugsmaterialer, af Liz Hempel-J.

15 Jan 2014

Handsome black bears!

Teddies come in many colours - here are some fine old bears: a Russian bear in the case, a Steiff Panda and one from China. The curly one is German. On the right two rare Danish bears - Venøbamser. By the lighthouse a Steiff replica from 1907.
En samling gamle bamser. I æsken sidder en russisk bamse,
en Steiff Panda ... den anden Panda er fremstillet i Kina og
en store krøllede bageste er en tysk bamse fra Sonneberg-området
i Sydthskland. Yderst til højre sidder 2 sjældne danske bamser.
Venøbamser ... Steiff replica af Schwarz Bär, 1907.

... and a chocolate bear ...

"Hello. Nice to (m)eet you!"

9 Jan 2014

Crochet teddies (hæklede bamser)

Cute little teddies can be quickly and easily made from wool scraps. To find a pattern or inspiration use your favorite search engine and enter "crochet teddy" (hæklede bamser).  Check out images. The striped teddy (lives in Skagen Bamse Museum shop as part of the inventory) was inspired by a Danish book I own - "Hæklede dyr" by Maja Hansen. The little koala on the tree (inspired by a pattern found on the net) was tied to a tree in the courtyard at the museum. I hear though, that the birds thought his stuffing made good nesting material!!

Brug garn rester til hæklede bamser -
søg på internettet på søgemaskine "crochet teddy"
eller bliv inspirerede af en  af
Maja Hansens bøger om hæklede dyr.