29 Sept 2013

Honey Bear cakes

Today found this easy recipe on the net - suitable to make with the kids - (easytoddlerrecipes.co.uk or allrecipes.co.uk) and tried it out - yummy. Someone unable to resist the delicious smell of homebaking ate 2 straight off the cooling rack.
2 eggs, 225 gr sugar, 240 ml oil (we found this too much so willl use less next time), 5-6 tablespoons honey, 225 gr sugar (again will use less next time), 60 gr walnuts (optional), 315 gr flour (used half wholemeal), 1 teaspoon baking soda, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, half teaspoon vanilla.
Oven 180 degrees C. A sheet of baking paper on the baking tray. Beat well eggs, sugar and oil in a bowl. Add all other ingredients adding enough flour until you get a soft dough. Shape balls of dough and flatten slightly for the head and body etc. Or use a cookie cutter. We used currents for the eyes. Bake until the edges are slightly brown.

Honning bamse-kager
Honning bamse kager 

2 æg, 225 gr rå rørsukker, 240 ml madolie til bagning, 5-6 spsk. honning, 315 gr mel, 1 tesk. natron, 1 tesk. kanel, ½ tesk. vanilla, evt. 60 gr hakkede valnødder. (Jeg brugte grahams mel og hvedemel og næste gang vil jeg bruge mindre olie og sukker).

Ovn 180 grader C. Bagepapir på bagepladen. Pisk æg, sukker og olie i skål. Tilsæt/bland alle resterende ingredienser. Tilsæt ekstra mel hvis nødvendig - skal være blød dej. Form bamserne eller brug en cookie cutter. Bag indtil lys brun ved kanterne.
Bears love honey and the Teddy Bear Museum shop has ample stocks - no surprise there then!

Honning sælges - fra butikken ved Skagens bamsemuseum

10 Sept 2013

An old cat on wheels and "cousins" from Australia!

The old cat is a Steiff from 1919. The teddy bear museum has good collection of really interesting, old bears and other stuffed toys.

Gammel Steiff kat på hjul, 1919.
 Koalas are not really bears - they are marsupials and like kangaroos their babies grow in pouches on mum's tummy. Originally toy koalas were made from kangaroo skins - but now mostly cuddly, soft, washable modern materials. 

Koala familien klatrer på eucalyptus træet og baggrund viser Tasmanien
og Sydney. To af bamserne
(i midten) er lavet af kanguru pels.