12 Sept 2015

Tiny teddy and the teddy bear sunflower

Though we have had more wind than sunshine this year, we have teddy bear sunflowers in the garden as usual. Tiny teddy feels a bit like Thumbelina (see picture nr 2).

Den mindste bamse sammen med bamse-solsikker
En af de sødeste små bamse på Bamsemuseet, lavet af
bamsekunstner, Vivi-Ann Lennartz.
og mens vi taler om solsikker,
en montre med nogle af de første bamser på Bamsemuseet ...

4 Aug 2015

Bear on black, Belgian, Bed & Breakfast barge, in Bruges.

The little Skagen Teddy, while on summer travels, spent a night on a barge on a Belgian canal. The cabin was small and cosy with a water view. Best of all, our bear met a new little teddy friend. A barge bear. They became such good friends that the little barge bear has come home with us and joined the family.

Skagens bamsen samt Barge Bamsen på Hotel Barge i Bruges.

Den sorte barge er en hyggelig hotel og restaurant.

15 Jul 2015


Teddies on specially designed curved bench for holding meetings

C-bænk - til møder

Fredag d. 31. juli 2015 kl. 11.00

Valg af dirigent
Valg af referent
Valg af stemmetællere
Årets gang for Bamsemuseets Venner: Jonna Thygesen fortæller.
Bestyrelsen har ordet for at besvare spørgsmål.
Evt. indkomne forslag.
Regnskab v/ Karen Bibi Klausen
Valg af bestyrelses medlemmer: Bjørn Nørgaard, Else Marie Bukdahl og Peter Kjelstrup er på genvalg.
Af hensyn til pladsforhold må de, der ønsker at deltage i Generalforsamlingen give besked (se vedtægterne 5,4).
Venligst giv besked per e-mail til: j.thygesen@bamsemuseetsvenner.dk senest den 28. juli 2015

Bjørn Nørgaard (formand) Else Marie Bukdahl (næsteformand) Jonna Thygesen sekretær) Peter Kjelstrup (markedsføring) Karen Bibi Klausen (kasserer)
Hjertelig velkommen
Jonna Thygesen  

7 Jul 2015

Teddie's chocolate cookies

Certain small people known to Teddy just love these cookies - the recipe is further down ...

cookie cutters - udstikkere

Chocolate teddy biscuits

The original chocolate biscuit recipe is from: Marguerite Patten / Leila Howard. Step-by-step cookery. Paul Hamlyn, London, for the Australian Women's Weekly. 1964 edition.


210 gr plain flour (I make it with 50% wholemeal)
1 tablespoon cocoa
pinch salt
120 gr butter
120 gr sugar (can also use sugar/stevia mix)
Enough beaten egg to mix

(I make 1½ portion, which is roughly right for 1 whole egg)

Sieve flour, cocoa and salt into a bowl.
Add butter in small pieces and rub into the mix with finger tips until crumbly.
Stir in sugar.
Add enough egg to bind the mixture to a stiff dough.
Knead on table top with sprinkled flour with a little cocoa blended in.
Roll and cut out shapes with cookie cutter.
Place on oven tray with baking paper.
Bake 10-15 mins at 190 C.
Cool on baking-tray then rack.

21 Jun 2015

Some bears climb trees ...

The little Skagen bear who lives in Teddy's house is always out and about. Today he wants to show you a special tree near his house.

Den lille Skagens Bamse vil gerne vise hans
favorit klatre-træ.
Den er som en hemmelig træ-hule.
Can you see from the leaves what sort of tree it is? It is also a super climbing tree with low strong branches. Very, very carefully the little bear and his friends climbed onto a comfortable branch. Even though people walked passed, nobody saw them, as leaves hung down around the whole tree like curtains. A secret tree-cave.
Kan du se hvilken slags træ den er? Se på bladene. Grenene
er lav og stærk og behagelige at sidde på.

Answer: Sycamore/Ahorn

4 Jun 2015

Little Teddy goes for a summer romp in the sunshine ...

... and checks out all the fresh summer greenery. First the yellow Welsh poppies then the sunflower seedlings Big Teddy has planted. They will grow into Teddy Bear sunflowers, Big Teddy grows those every year. Then the little Skagen bear climbs a couple of trees - can you see what the trees are by looking at the leaves? (Answers right at the bottom of the page.)

Lille Skagens bamse med walisk-valmuer i haven.
Disse små planter bliver til store Teddy Bjørn solskikker.
Hvilket slags træ klatrer den lille bamse i? Kig på bladerne.
Og hvilket træ et det her?
Svar: Beech/bøg, oak/eg.

1 May 2015

Teddy dogs!!

In our family not all "teddies" are bears. There are also 3 lovable "teddy" dogs - 2 vintage and 1 modern. Today, the 1st May and sunny, we went out into the garden.

Steiff bulldog (produceret 1927-36, Tyskland) - med gyldenlak.
Jonna (Bukowski, Sverige) - med Lunaria.
Vintage Scotty og de andre - benytter nylig udsat udendørs møbler.

Montre på Skagens Bamsemuseum med deres egen Steiff "Bully"

22 Feb 2015

Teddy is glad to see signs of spring

Today was a cold but sunny day. Teddy put on a warm knitted hat and went into the garden to look for spring flowers. Teddy picked a few snowdrops and put them in pretty little vase on the dining room table.

Teddy Bjørn ud i forårshaven, plukker vintergækker til spisebordet.

16 Jan 2015

In the kitchen on a cold winter's day!

Even though the bears are covered in fur, on really cold winter days they enjoy being in a warm kitchen. They just love hot porridge - made with oats and milk (1 cup oats : 2 cups mini- or skimmed milk) and served with honey and blueberries!

Bamserne nyder varm havregrød serveret med honning og blåbær
på en kold vinter morgen
Havregrød med blåbær og honning ... nam-nam!
Skålen kommer fra Bamsemuseets butik